How Long Is An NFL Game | LeoVegas

How Long Is An NFL Game?

A regular NFL game features four 15-minute quarters. However, due to the 13-minute halftime break and frequent stoppages throughout the game, the average NFL game lasts for 3 hours and 15 minutes.

If both teams are tied at the end of a regular season NFL game, there will be a single 10-minute overtime period to decide the outcome of the match. Games that go into overtime can extend beyond 3 hours and 30 minutes in total.

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During the playoffs, there is no limit to the overtime period. If the teams are level after regulation, they progress into overtime where 15-minute periods are played until a winner is decided.

Understanding NFL Game Structure

NFL games are split into four 15-minute quarters. There is a two-minute break at the end of the first and third quarters to allow teams to switch ends. Whoever had the ball at the end of the first and third quarter retains possession.

When two minutes remain in the second and fourth quarter, the two-minute warning occurs. This is an automatic timeout and play is suspended for two minutes to allow teams to rehydrate, catch their breath, or go through their gameplan for the final stages of the quarter.

At the end of the second quarter, there is a halftime break lasting for 13 minutes. The team who kicked off the game will now be the receiving team to start the second half of the game.

Pre-Game Preparations

NFL players arrive at the stadium two to three hours before the scheduled kickoff time. This gives the athletes time to get worked on by the trainers and get changed into their pads and cleats.

Once they are suited up, players head out onto the field to partake in a thorough warm-up. A combination of static and dynamic stretches are combined with position-relevant drills to prepare players for the upcoming game. Before the game gets underway, players will head back to the locker room for their final preperations.

During the limited time between warmup and kickoff, the coaches will go over the gameplan and team captains will produce rousing speeches to get their teammates in the right mindset for the game.

To determine which team will kick off, a coin toss takes place five minutes before the game starts. The referee will toss the coin and a captain from one of the teams will call heads or tails. Whoever wins the toss gets to choose to kick off or receive. Once all the pre-game festivities are wrapped up, the game can get underway.

In-Game Time Dynamics

The NFL works differently from other sporting leagues. Despite there being 60 minutes of official play, games last for over 3 hours due to the play clock mechanics, timeouts and commercial breaks.

Play Clock Mechanics

When the ball is in the field of play, the game clock continually ticks down from 15 minutes until it reaches 0, and then the quarter finishes. The NFL game clock is stopped when the ball is taken out of bounds in the last two minutes of the first half and the last five minutes of the game. The game clock also stops for timeout calls, incomplete passes or on any change of possession.

There’s also the play clock, which is similar to the shot clock in the NBA. In the NFL, teams have 40 seconds to start the next play after completing the previous one. If the team is unable to snap the ball within the allotted time period, they receive a five-yard penalty for ‘delay of game’ and the line of scrimmage is moved back towards their endzone.

The purpose of the play clock is to prevent teams from wasting time. If there was no play clock and the other team was out of timeouts, the team with possession could potentially run down an entire quarter. The opposing teams would have no chance of getting possession back. The NFL play clock also encourages teams to increase their pace of play.

Timeouts and Challenges

NFL teams have three timeouts each half, lasting for two minutes. During a timeout, the game clock is stopped, with both players and coaches having enough time to take on fluid or talk about their upcoming play.

When there are two minutes remaining in the second and fourth quarters, an automatic timeout is called. This is known as the ‘two-minute warning’ and doesn’t count as one of the NFL team’s three regular timeouts.

NFL coaches can also challenge on-field rulings made by the referees. Coaches receive two challenges throughout an NFL game, however, if the coaches challenge is unsuccessful, they are charged a timeout. They are not charged a timeout if they succesfully challenge the official’s call.

During a challenge, the referee reviews the play under question via the television monitors located on the sidelines. Coaches can challenge numerous things throughout the game - including fumbles, interceptions and incomplete passes.

Commercial Breaks

The NFL is an advertiser’s dream! An average NFL game has 16 commercial breaks, with eight in each half. Up to 33% of an NFL broadcast is advertisments, with over 100 shown during an NFL game.

Watching an NFL game at the stadium is a different experience due to the absence of commercial breaks. When a commercial break is taking place, there is entertainment taking place within the arena, such as cheerleaders or music. Sometimes, other NFL games will be broadcast on the big screens. If there is a lengthy break, fans in the stadium will use this opportunity to go to the bathroom or purchase snacks.

Halftime Breakdown

If you are watching the game on TV, commercials will play during the halftime break. You will also hear the analysts thoughts as they examine what went down in the first half and predict how the rest of the game will unfold.

If you are attending an NFL game, you’ll get to experience some high-octane halftime performances. From mascots using a special gun to shoot free t-shirts into the stands to field goal challenges where fans attempt to kick the ball through the uprights, there’s a plethora of ways the NFL keeps the fans entertained during the break.

Even though NFL halftime is 13 minutes long, players are only in the locker rooms for about eight minutes as players refuel for the second half or seek some attention from the medical trainer.

Both the offense and defense will gather ahead of the second half to discuss the gameplan for the next two quarters before they reconvene to go over a combined strategy for the second half.

Just before they head back out on the field, the head coach will emerge from their office and give the players a speech, which is both strategic and motivational.

Regulation vs Overtime

If the teams are tied after the four 15-minute quarters, the game will go to overtime. Here is how regulation and overtime works in the NFL:

Regular Game Duration

An NFL regular game features 60 minutes of play with four 15-minute quarters. .

Overtime Rules

The NFL has two different overtime rules based on whether it’s a regular season or playoff game. In the regular season, teams play one 10-minute overtime period. If the teams are still level after the overtime period, the game is a tie. In the playoffs, teams play as many 15-minute overtime periods as necessary to determine a winner.

In the regular season and playoff overtime, both teams get at least one possession. So if Team A scores a touchdown, Team B will have a chance to match them.


How long is an NFL game in real-time?

In real-time, an NFL game lasts between 3 hours and 3 hours 15 minutes.

How long is an official NFL game?

An official NFL game is made up of four 15-minute quarters and there is a total of 60 minutes of play. However, due to all of the stoppages, games typically last for 3 hours or more.

How long was the average NFL game?

The average NFL game lasts for 3 hours and 15 minutes.

How long is the longest NFL game?

The longest NFL game to date took place in 2018 at Hard Rock Stadium. The game between the Tennessee Titans and Miami Dolphins lasted for 7 hours and 8 minutes due to weather delays. Miami came out on top with a 27-20 victory.

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